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Terms & Conditions


Please Read Carefully. You will be required to sign a copy of these Terms & Conditions at your first appointment. 


Late Drop Off: 

Please ensure you arrive on time for your appointment. We understand that sometimes things happen that are out of our control which means you may not get to your appointment on time. If this is the case please let us know as soon as possible. Unfortunately if you are more than 15 minutes late your appointment may need to be rearranged. There will be a £10 charge for this.


Late Pick Up:

If you are running late in collecting your dog please let us know as soon as possible. Unfortunately if you are more than 15 minutes late collecting your dog there will be a £5 charge for every further 15 minutes. Our appointments work on a 1:1 basis so lateness will affect the next booked appointment. 



If you cannot keep your arranged appointment please provide at least 48 hours notice. Any cancellations where less than 24 hours notice is given and for any no shows full payment will be required. This would be payable before any more appointments could be booked. 

Dog Behaviour:

Please ensure that your dog has had a chance to exercise and use the toilet before arriving for your appointment. We reserve the right to stop the appointment if your dog becomes aggressive or is displaying signs of stress. Full payment will be required if this happens.

Medical Conditions:

You must inform us of any medical conditions. We will not be held responsible for any information you fail to disclose. If you fail to mention any allergies/skin conditions etc we will not be held responsible for any irritation, patchiness, abrasions or hair loss that may arise due to the grooming process. Pregnant dogs & dogs in season will not be accepted for a groom. We will only accept puppies from 2 weeks after their second injection.


Coat Condition:

Fleas: Please check your dog for fleas prior to your appointment. If your dog is found to have fleas the groom will be cancelled and you will be liable for 50% off the cost. You will be able to re book your appointment once your dog has been clear for 7 days.


Matts: In accordance with the DEFRA Animal Welfare Act of 2006 - If we cannot remove all of the matts on your dog within the allocated 20 minutes we will clip off the coat from underneath the matts so as not to cause your pet unnecessary pain or stress. If the matts can be removed within the allotted 20 minute time frame there will be an additional charge of £5 upwards depending on the severity. We reserve the right to perform a complete clip off of the dogs coat if the matting is severe enough to cause the dog discomfort and/or exceeds the 20 minute de-matting allowance. Additional charges of £10 upwards will be applied depending on the size of the dog and the time taken. Clipping or stripping a coat can often expose pre-existing conditions. If anything is spotted we will notify you at the end of the appointment.

General Health:

If we find any lumps, bumps or skin issues we will notify you at the end of the appointment. If your pet becomes ill or has an injury whilst in our care you give us permission to seek veterinary care. Dependent on circumstances fees incurred will be payable by the dog’s owner or by Waggy Tails Salon. Waggy Tails Salon carries Public Liability Insurance. We are not to be held responsible for any type of accidental death, for death from a pre existing medical condition or any natural disasters. 



Injury: As hard as we try, dogs sometimes jump or move quickly when being groomed and with us working with scissors and clippers this could, in extreme cases, result in injury to your dog. Whilst we will take every effort to ensure this doesn't happen we cannot be held responsible for any injuries to your dog whilst they are being groomed unless they are as a result of direct negligence on our part. We will endeavour to tell you when you pick up your pet if anything has occurred but please contact us within 24 hours if you notice any injury or issue with your dog.



All payments are required upon collection of your dog. You agree that any charges incurred due to any of the above will be paid at the time of collection. No credit is given.



Your dog may be photographed and any photographs may be used on our website and social media sites. Please tell us prior to the appointment if this is not okay. 

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